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KGEW7QNV85Fixed a problem where Notes would be unable to send an internet email message if the address was enclosed in single-quotes.
MLATA656DQiNotes - Fix a display issue when opened from an iFrame
ADEE9FEC44Fix to avoid a Microsoft Office crash when using "Send To".
ADEE9CWBZ6Fix to avoid a Microsoft Office crash when using "Send To".
DPAL9YTAURFixed an issue where an invalid address is being added to an external email.
CSAOADK8DZiNotes - Fix an issue where the body become garbage if both plain text and HTML is used
CSYLA85VMDFix an issue where images are not copied correctly (showing a Red X) when copying from Verse to Notes
SAPLA5FESNFix the issue where disabling 'Show display names as internet address' preference using $INETADDRESSFIXUP=0 is not working
JBSMAFRRM2iNotes - Fixed an issue where copying HTML content into an email you will not see it in Firefox.
KKOOAF9DVMiNotes - Fixed an issue where an extra line was inserted when the format was changed from Rich Text to Plain Text.
MNAAAFA8LYiNotes - Fixed an issue where a user can not insert a signature on a plain text format by using the Insert Signature action. This was a regression...
MLAT9CCRDMMail Template change for SPR# MLAT9BUQC8: Improve Reply / Forward MIME message
MLAT9BUQC8Retain MIME formatting when forwarding or replying to internet messages
MPDSAD58RDFix an issue where deleting JPEG JPEG from an email does not reduce the size of the email.
MVGSAEVP8LiNotes - Fix a timezone error during the OOO configuration
SAKI9KC34YFix a Notes Client crash
SAPLA5APCPFix an issue with expanding child groups in mail addressing.
RFRFADJBMWiNotes - Fix false iNotes Error message
YLJA96V9F8Enhancement request to include Internet mail address in reply/forward history
ZQSA8U7LKWFix an issue where the InetSendTo, InetCopyTo,InetBlindCopyTo fields value change to '.' or they become empty when manually inputting the @domain...
MPDSAFSADXFix a Notes Client hang when opening HTML emails
RPALAD68DTFixed the error "No Sitemap Found" in the Notes Client
JRMAAD7Q8ZFixed an issue where an email appears small on a high DPI monitor.
TPONADBDFZFixed an issue where adding a server side disclaimer causes a blank BCC header to be added to outgoing mail.
TPONACXBSHFixed an issue where an SMTP response of "452 4.2.2 Mailbox Full" prevents delivery of other mails. The fix is to provide a capability with a...
SCRL9JVMERFix an issue on how the address header was being sent
SLODADS95AiNotes - Fixed an issue where external mesages that are received are displayed as blank/
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